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5 Steps to Hosting an Event in the Metaverse
In the ever-evolving corporate landscape, hosting company events in the metaverse has emerged as a novel and intriguing approach, offering unique opportunities for immersive and engaging experiences. Based on firsthand experience, we identified five essential steps to hosting a successful event in the metaverse.
Building Brands Through a Downturn
In an article for PRNews, Ted Birkhahn shares some cost-effective ways for start-ups to build their brands and businesses through an economic downturn.
Ted Birkhahn
Ted Birkhahn on Tech Trends 24/7 Leaders Podcast
Ted Birkhahn, President of Hot Paper Lantern, was featured on the Tech Trends 24/7 Leaders Podcast
Exploring Web3 Integration: A Retrospective on a Successful Virtual Event
The rapid growth of Web3 offers exciting possibilities for businesses to engage with audiences in immersive virtual environments. To understand and embrace these new technologies, we hosted an event in a virtual environment for our staff.
Deconstructing the PGA Tour/LIV Merger: Four Lessons for Internal Communications Pros
In an article for PRNEWS, Hot Paper Lantern’s Ted Birkhahn and Mike Adorno analyze how negative press could have been minimized by prioritizing internal communications as much as it did its external rollout. 
Ted Birkhahn and Mike Adorno
Instilling Company Culture Across Geographic Divides: The Key to Working with Global Teams
Ensuring your global team is aligned under one company mission is no easy task, but with the right approach, companies can thrive in cross-cultural environments.
Sara Whitman and Isabel Conrad